Stop wondering if you have the right needle for your project at home, and get an interchangeable set! This combination of tips and cables covers all necessary bases, meaning you can focus on choosing the perfect yarn without buying that needle you know you probably have three more of at home but can't, for the life of you, find them...
This set perfectly suits the sock knitter as it includes the most commonly used needle sizes and cable lengths in sock making. Ideal for using the magic loop method and one- or two-at-a-time sock knitting. The cables are sturdy yet flexible which minimizes laddering and allows for easy work.
Made of high quality stainless steel, HiyaHiya Sharp Steel Interchangable Needles feature keyless screw-on connections with flexible cables, near perfect joins, and a slick but not too slick, smooth finish with sharp tips that are great for increasing, decreasing, and intricate stitch patterns. They are lightweight to handle and will warm quickly to the hand.
Each Sharp Sock Interchangeable Set contains the following components:
5 pairs of needle tips in the following sizes:
2.00mm/US0 12.50cm/5" Tips
2.25mm/US1 12.50cm/5" Tips
2.50mm/US1.5 12.50cm/5" Tips
2.75mm/US2 10cm/4" Tips
3.00mm/US2.5 10cm/4" Tips
2 60cm/24" Sock Interchangeable cables
1 80cm/32" Sock Interchangeable cable
1 100cm/40" Sock Interchangeable cable
1 Set of Sock Interchangeable Tip Adapters
1 Set of Needle Grips